Currently 3-6 week turnaround

BLOG — gothgothgoth

Behind the scenes with @fairshadow photography! So excited! #bts...

Megan Bishop allblackeverything apatico beautiful bts crowns fashionharness fashionwitch fetish goth gothgirls gothgothgoth gothic gothicfashion harness leather millinery nazgulcrew seethrough sheer spooky wraithpunk

Behind the scenes with @fairshadow photography! So excited!

#bts #gothicfashion #wraithpunk #nazgulcrew #fashionwitch #gothgirls #millinery #crowns #spooky #gothic #goth #gothgothgoth #beautiful #allblackeverything #seethrough #sheer #leather #harness #fetish #apatico #fashionharness

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Behind the scenes with @fairshadow photography! So excited! #bts...

Megan Bishop allblackeverything apatico beautiful bts crowns fashionharness fashionwitch fetish goth gothgirls gothgothgoth gothic gothicfashion harness leather millinery nazgulcrew seethrough sheer spooky wraithpunk

Behind the scenes with @fairshadow photography! So excited!

#bts #gothicfashion #wraithpunk #nazgulcrew #fashionwitch #gothgirls #millinery #crowns #spooky #gothic #goth #gothgothgoth #beautiful #allblackeverything #seethrough #sheer #leather #harness #fetish #apatico #fashionharness

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