From Facebook:“500 fans! Thank you so much! I figured now would...

From Facebook:
“500 fans! Thank you so much! I figured now would be the time to have a giveaway! Simply respond to this post with anything you want - I’ll put all the names in a list to randomly select a winner for a FREE mini top hat in black brocade with the silk accent color of your choice! You have until 11pm Pacific time on Friday, July 9 to respond. ♥”

YES become a fan of my work on Facebook to win a FREE HAT!

*I will use this Randomizer:“ to decide the winners. You can comment once. Hat will take 3-4 weeks to complete, and will be made of black brocade. You can choose the accent color, but leave the rest of the decor up to me. I promise it will be awesome, and hey - it’s free!

The next giveaway will be at 1000 Facebook fans, so keep spreading the word!  This post isn’t friendslocked, so feel free to link it around :)

Thank you again for all of your comments, favs, and support. It means the world to me <3

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